An Unexpected Journey
I relate a lot to Bilbo right now.
Back in 2019 I was unprepared for the adventure ahead when I decided I wanted to become a professional game designer. Having just closed my beloved board game café, Coffee & Dice, and knowing my son Taylor was preparing to enter the world, it was quite a leap to run out of the door after the wizard and his band of unlucky numbered dwarves.
I didn’t sign a contract that promised remuneration if I was incinerated along the way, but I had a fair number of warnings about potential pitfalls and setbacks I might face. The trolls grabbed me when I took my first game to UKGE to show publishers. It was literally all I had and to hear again and again that people weren’t looking for that type of game was heart-breaking. Worse still three publishers took copies and then never replied or spoke to me again.
Later I’d make a great game that I truly felt had something special, then I’d discover it was a carbon copy of a recently successful game. It felt like I’d found an awesome treasure, but was still about to be eaten in the dark.
My journey has not only reflected the terrors though, it’s also been my good fortune to find Elrond, Beorn, and the Eagles in my travels. Friends, acquaintances, and convention attendees who’ve play-tested my games and support networks like the Board Game Design Lab and Tabletop Mentorship Program. Your help and encouragement have been invaluable.
To Jay, my beautiful wife, I’m so blessed by your endless support, enduring patience, and all your love, I couldn’t have made it this far without you.
Now I prepare to enter the mountain for the first time and hopefully, I can survive and a chance will come to Split the Hoard.
I’d love for you to join me and the publisher tomorrow (22nd Aug 8pm BST) as we talk about the game and play it.
Onward to adventure!